The University of Queensland
A collaboration between Innerspace Queensland and Drummond Architecture has resulted in a spectacular modernisation of the Duhig Tower library and the student study space in the Sir James Foots Building. OEs history of innovative award-winning power technologies completed the collaboration perfectly, resulting in an outstanding fully powered student and staff spaces.

The University of Queensland’s Duhig Tower was named in honour of The Most Reverend Sir James Duhig, Archbishop of Brisbane from 1917 to 1965, and member of the University Senate from 1916 to 1965. The Duhig Tower provides study spaces with library computers and a postgraduate study area all of which have been recently modernised. The bright new refurbishment provides a vibrant educational environment for research and study as well as social and sharing, bringing the campus together. PIP2, PIP3, and Peak power units are installed throughout the building to keep student laptops and smartphones charged.

The Sir James Foots building is named after former UQ Senator and Chancellor (1985-92), Sir James Foots, in recognition of his distinguished career in the mining industry and long-time personal and professional support of the University including his position of Inaugural Chairman of The University of Queensland Foundation from 1982 to 1985. The L-shaped building features an eight-storey tower block, flanked by a five-storey wing running alongside College Road. The building’s fixtures and fittings have recently been modernized, with most now equipped with OE Elsafe’s Peak, PIP2, and PIP3 power units.

// WHY PIP2 and PIP3?