1300 357 233 sales@oeelsafe.com.au

ECO Product Design

PIP 2 & 3 represents the beginning of a new chapter in our power module portfolio. As we strive to build a more sustainable business, we are looking at all aspects of the company to see where we can become more environmentally friendly.

“When it came to designing this new unit, it made perfect sense to look to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious solution”.

                              Tim Hobbs, Founding Owner and Technical Director of OE 

“There is increasing demand from our existing customers, who are looking to their suppliers to help reduce their own environmental impact. PIP 2 and 3 provide a solution that can reduce their carbon footprint.” For every tonne of plastic recycled, 16.3 barrels of oil is saved underscoring the immense ecological benefits of using recycled plastic.              Follow our journey here.

PIP2 and PIP3 not only satisfy the need for environmentally conscious commercial space power, they have also evolved through the design process to satisfy global differences, meeting the demand for sophisticated power provision in commercial spaces anywhere!

OE is a multi-award-winning designer and manufacturer of innovative USB charging and power delivery systems, supplying over 60 countries across the globe. Our TUF-R USB modules have independently secured an Australian ECO-Business award, extending the eco-benefits of PIP2 and PIP3.

TUF-R is an ECO award winning solution

TUF-R is an upgradeable and replaceable USB laptop and mobile charging module designed and manufactured by The OE Group.

TUF-R is the 2023 winner of the Australian Business Eco-Innovation Award.



“We’re thrilled that we can now offer an environmentally conscious product to our customers with the same quality and versatility of our current range.”

Independently tested
for 10,000 insertions

Patented Replaceable
USB cartridge

World’s first reversible
USB-A port