1300 357 233 sales@oeelsafe.com.au

murdoch university

Murdoch University recently refurbished two areas within the Geoffrey Bolton Library and as part of the brief requested that all areas provide power and device charging for students and staff.

Private booths and stylish study benches all feature OE Elsafe 2GPO TUF panel mounted power modules providing power and USB fast charging to users.

Collaborative areas feature large tables equipped with PLUTO power and USB fast charging modules that have been integrated neatly into the work surfaces.

Study desks in the computer area are fitted with Qiksilva power rails to provide extra power and USB fast charging as well as ARC-80 integrated wireless charging modules. The ARC-80 integrated wireless charging modules are especially popular with library users providing convenient cord free mobile charging.

Under desk cable management and soft wiring have all been supplied by OE Elsafe.  Double tier cable baskets have been installed to organise and protect interconnecting cables and connectors, all commercial grade and designed for a seamless and effective soft wiring solution.

For more information on:-

ARC-80 Wireless Charger,  click here

Pluto Power Module,  click here

QikFIT, click here

Qiksilva Desk Rail,  click here

Pathway Cable Management,  click here

Prodigy Cable Management,  click here